The Eclipse Foundation has announced a new working group, called LocationTech.
What is it? There is only one project currently, called LocationTech Technology.
Here is what it covers:
LTT projects provide artifacts such as libraries, user interfaces, and methodology logic that enable location aware applications and services. The nature of this work is scoped as follows:
- Developing and delivering location aware services for web, mobile, and desktop based systems.
- Storage, exchange, processing, and interpretation of massive data volumes with a component of spatial information
- Apply Model based design in the context of geospatial information systems, building information modeling, and computer aided design
- Aggregating and relating data from diverse sources including a spatial component. e.g. Analytics, Geospatial Business Intelligence, Geocoding, Routing
- The implementation of generally applicable geospatial standards (e.g., Open Geospatial Consortium, ISO TC211, SQL MM, etc.)
The group is sponsored by IBM, Oracle, OpenGeo and Actuate.
Projects hosted at LocationTech benefit from a range of services, including git code repository, bugzilla bug tracking, hudson continuous integration, apache and drupal for a project dashboard, and “intellectual property services” covering licensing and related areas.
LocationTech is seeking involvement from OpenStreetMap (discussed here) and MapBox, among others.
Names not on the list of sponsors include Google and Nokia. Is this, perhaps, an effort to support location-based development in a manner that does not include a dependency on Google?