Tim Anderson's IT Writing


Changing my mind about open ear earphones

I have become a fan of bone conduction earphones. Initially this was because they are great for running since they let you hear everything going on around you which is important for safety. I also came to realise that pushing earbuds into your ear to form a seal is not the best thing for comfort, … Continue reading Changing my mind about open ear earphones


Facebook vs Reddit as discussion forums: why is Facebook so poor?

Facebook’s user interface for discussions is terrible. Here are some of the top annoyances for me: Facebook is also a horrible experience for me thanks to the news feed concept, which pushes all manner of things at me which I do not want to see or which waste time. I have learned that the only … Continue reading Facebook vs Reddit as discussion forums: why is Facebook so poor?

Fixing a .NET P/Invoke issue on Apple Silicon – including a tangle with Xcode

I have a bridge platform (yes the game) written in C# which I am gradually improving. Like many bridge applications it makes use of the open source double dummy solver (DDS) by Bo Haglund and Soren Hein. My own project started out on Windows and is deployed to Linux (on Azure) but I now develop … Continue reading Fixing a .NET P/Invoke issue on Apple Silicon – including a tangle with Xcode

Amazon Linux 2023: designed to be disposable

Amazon Linux 2023 is the default for Linux VMs on AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud). Should you use it? It is a DevOps choice; the main reason why you might use it is that it feels like playing safe. AWS support will understand it, it should be performance-optimised for EC2; it should work smoothly with … Continue reading Amazon Linux 2023: designed to be disposable

Welcome to ITWriting.com

This site is where I post news and comment on the IT industry, with a focus on software development.

Tech writing blog

The ITWriting blog is where you will find all the content – news, reviews, and comment from an independent viewpoint. There are also thousands of comments from readers, in many cases of higher quality or greater interest than the original post.

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Software projects

Along with occasional code samples, there are a couple of software projects hosted here.

The HTMLEditor is a .NET control for displaying and editing HTML text.

The Simple Wrapper for SQLite is for Delphi 7 and higher, enabling use of this fast open source database engine without using data binding or any other database framework.

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Contact me by emailing tim(at)itwriting.com.